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:: A Wish From the Author::

:: A Wish From the Author::

Minds Off Reading; Minds on Cooking!

The past few days was boring. And of course, i tried to control myself from reading ECLIPSE as i am already getting near to the end and i haven't gotten the 4th book yet! I feel unssatisfied. So, i got myself doing something such as cooking! Hahaha..I'm getting better in cooking nowadays...NOW that i'm here! I had to prepare breakfast and all and i was fast! Everyone gets to fill up thier empty tummy before going for work. Am i not that diligent heheheheh... I am! However, everytime i sat undecidedly on the couch, my eyes directed me to the book that was placed safely on the aquarium. Ugh! Well, it wouldn't hurt to read a bit though, I convinced myself. So, without any hesitation, i drove myself to the aquarium and grabbed the book hungrily as i couldn't stand continue reading the part where i last left it. As i read, i felt the thickness of the page getting lesser. OH no! I must stop immediately! I closed the book with a thud! Thinking of what to do next.

I turned on the tv and i was on SWR! It was my fav prog. 'WHo's Line is it'...... It made me laugh all through.I glued ma butt in front of the tv searching for channels to fill up my head from reading. All i did was being a good housewife:The main agenda was COOKING! And i cooked Popiah YESTERDAY! it goes!
~Diliberately concentrating on the ROLLS~

~The Ingredients~

~The Half way fried popiah's~

~ Tadaaaaaa~Nice huh?~


Unknown said...

bah, dont forget to tapau some for me...

Annie said...


GeTzzz.... said...

Hahaha...bangas sudah nnti tu eric...Kuang kuang

Annie: U Mau? Meh lah kita buat sama2 nnti k! PAs tu kita jual Hahahahahaha...Mau kah urang makan tu ar?