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:: A Wish From the Author::

:: A Wish From the Author::

Fingers Crossed!!

It's February by now! Gosh! I hadn't much noticed on the shortcoming event this month. I think i have been drooling of with packed of activities that just made me a bit ignorant at how time really flies. This particularly 2 early months this year, is kinda of tacky. I get most of my sweats out let alone a pretty change of skin color( i'm darker by now).
I'm getting myself involve in coaching netball which i can't say i am, cause i myself have no experience in techniques. Was only able to dig in all the rusty techniques i had during my high school days. I don't know whether it is still applicable. Time changes, people change, i'm sure the rules change too! No sweat!
Had few friendly matches with other schools and i came to a conclusion that, something was wrong here...... They can't get through the defense of their oppenent nor could they try to get a single shoot. It was a terrible game as it was clear crystal mistakes that they knew it was wrong to do. I'm just crossing my fingers as the real big game begins tomorrow.
Let Lord guide us through each match! ~long exhale~