People might say that i'm way too uncivilized for i had NEVER EVER went nor shop at CURVE heheheheh....
Today my significant other sent me to shop till i drop at CURVE. We set out from home and went for breakfast before i began my travelling reaching every lovable things to make a big great hole of my wallet. i was trying not to go beyond my budget..But i did! I cant help it! And i regretted for it was expensive there and shopped at the wrong place.
However i enjoyed my 6 hours non-stop walking:
~Was alone, singleton walking up and down in the building~
The ever first place i would go is where the books resides. And u'll sure know where that is. If it's not Pop's, It'll be MPH. And if it's not MPH of course i'lll go for Borders:)
This is the place where i don't have to punish my legs and my wallet. i'll get a book of my own kind and read as long as i want to without forcing myself to buy. It depends on my desire actually:) hehehe...
~Here at MPH~
~Was almost gonna buy this ONE HOT book, but i'll pass~
Around 4:45pm, My SO(significant other) came and joined me there. I think he felt pity of me for being alone for quite some time hehehhe....
I was actually waiting for a friend of mine who was actually my childhood friend back in states:) Unfortunately, she still had classes to attend. So, we decided to go out the next day and meet at One Utama:)xoxo..
I really had a great fun walking and getting my fitness ready for sports next year heheheheh
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