As i cruise along my e-mail. I spot my Daily AstroSlam and read it. It sounds like this:-
Hi Felly! Here is your Daily AstroSlam for Friday, November 26
Flirt with the enemy. Hold hands with an archrival. Send flowers to the last person you shouted at. Leave a thank-you note for the meter maid on your windshield -- do anything you can to swing karma in your direction. You're really gonna need it!
Most of you know by now that i had moved to a new house. It's not just because i wanted a life of my own. I love sharing with others or having a housemate. Unfortunately, the 2 years i was with my housemate, i was really stressed out with her way. She is an ungrateful person.
CLeaning and mopping the house was my faithful duty every week. She only cleans her room and never care about the living room not even to think about the cleanliness of the kitchen. Well, i have been considerate with her for so many aspects. I even paid the water and electrical bills the rest of the year in 2009. Still she dares to do things to hurt me and she is so not professional. I respect her as my boss as she is the HEAD of LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT!
I respected her in many ways for 2 years. Not making any noise and walking silently after returning to school and directly marched to my room. Just imagine being so silent mode in that house.. I was afraid to cook too as it might wake her up during her nappy time. I only managed to cook ONLY if i was DAMN hungry. I even respect her bathing time which is 5:30am. If i woke up late then i would end up going to school late too. She almost took 30 minutes in the bathroom as she washes her clothes every morning. So, goes my life in that 2 years. I experienced a horrible and a terrible one.
But, i would like to say thanks to GOD! For i had met this kind of person in my life. It really helps me to be more patient and not to care about anyone. (which is ugly)
(2008)I still remember the day i was posted in that school. I arrived the school on Thursday afternoon. And went to school on Friday. I didn't know that the house was so empty without any kitchen-ware and hardly any onions or woks to be used to cook.
So, on Friday, i directly went back home with only having myself equipped of foods in the morning. My tummy began to grumble in the eve around 5pm. I went in the kitchen as to find myself something to fried on ,but i failed! hahahhahaha... even i couldn't fry myself without any cooking, onions and a wok .LOL
I was left without anything to eat the rest of the whole night!
In the morning, the kakak told me she was going out to attend her class in one of the UMS branch here. WHen i told her to help me to buy me some foods as i hadn't ate since last night, she simply says that " Akak tidak mau lah. Akak tidak pi mana2.Lepas kelas kakak terus balik rumah".
~I pray so hard to God for help that moment as my gastric was already attacking me~
Lamenting on this problem shows that i might be weak. I might be weak here as i'm showering all the unsatisfactions i experienced but in reality i was STRONG enough to face this wicked person who tends to distort my happy life. I face her with a morning smile, talks to her ONLY if she begins a conversation. I cooked dishes for her but never she ate it.Maybe only if i cooked chicken-well, it depends on her mood though.
There was one incident where i only cooked sardin as i was too tired of eating fish and chicken. I invited her to eat and she said " Aiks, sardin saja?" My feelings were mixed with anger and sadness. She aggravated me so much.
The 2nd incident was where i had cooked and invited her to eat and she said "Akak tau bah kalau ajak-ajak ayam sama ajak2 betul" My face turned red as my pressure pumps the blood up towards my head and scattered through my veins and directly to my face.Waaargh!
There were more incidents-and i could make a book of it! hahahahaha
I even bought a pack of 10kg pack of rice and one tong gas for free. And she's using the gas and the rice for free NOW. I didn't even care to think of taking it with me to my new nest.
Knock, knock,knock.....
I opened the door and it was my students. As i opened the door, i saw a piece of paper sticking on my door. I was shocked! And i knew it must be HER again! And my prediction hit the nail.
As if i am going to steal her stuffs..I wouldn't even dare to enter a house which i am no more living in.....
Remembering the 'black eyed peas's' song....
'What's happening to the world mama... We're livin like we aint got no mama''
It's better to embrace the enemy:)
i want the world to live in peace and this is what i want to do and show to the new generations...
i admire ur strength and patience to stay with that person for such a long time. and u even paid for the bills!
if only shes' not the head of the as a teacher, i guess il be facing a similar situation in a few years ahead... o.0
p/s: congrats for the new hse! and thanks for dropping at my blog too :)
Eric says:
patience is a virtue. truly, i believe that the reward will come later. i guess u made the right choice to find new sanctuary. if i were u, lama sudah sia lari. hahaha
Syam:Gracias fur the up-lifting words:)Really needed it! I was really at a tight spot. And good thing that, my parents had instil the value of patience since i was young:) Attending my sunday classes @lessons since i was little actually helps me alot to overcome my feelings.
-I hope u won't meet this type of pers. But it was worth it! A story where i could share to my young ones later!
-And yes! Thank you! Do visit me in times if u happen to be here:) Thankx fur dropping by too dear:)
-had been reading ur blog for quite sometime now:)
Eric: So true ric! And yes! the reward has come. And i had put an end to this. But just not yet! As i have to pay the bills. Can u imagine she doing that to me while the house was still under my name..Dui dogo!
Gurl, u're so brave!! Bravo for standing up for yourself and being so nice to her. That's fabulousity! (heheh pinjam kata-kata hikmat dari si Kimora dulu) Good things always come to people who are patient and kind ^__^ bah, for my next solo trip (which could be next year), sila sediakan rumah anda untuk ditumpangi hehehe..see u soon, babe!
Cynta: I mimang berani sudah cuz the anger was TOTALLY a BLAST! And thanks fur the compliment. Not too kind lah..Kalau kind, indak lah i balas begitu kan hehehe..
-Thank god i had the guts to reply back:) hehheheh
-And Yes! Please do come.Whenever u want:) It's already ready:) Tapi tau2 jak lah keadaan k cynta....
Can't wait:)
grrr...WTF!! kalau saya, lama suda sa lari..LOL! I cant stand with ppl like that, mnyakitkan hati saja..
ps: and, thanx for visiting ;)
Marmalade: Mimang begitu tu ruth! Kalau andartu hehehe,..jahatnya mulut me ni hehhee....40+ bah sdh tu..Nasib x kena macam u kan? Mesti u berani cakap kan? Im such a coward:p
-I hate arguing, im afraid to fight with pple. Moreover, she's my bos huhuhuh...
well that is the price to pay if you're staying with a housemate...but i guess you've met the wrong person but not coincidentally. Here's the thing, neither you or her is the real owner of the place, its belong to the government. *correct me if i got it wrong. Thus, it come into consensus while living in the 'temporary homestay' accords to the Govt's protocol (Wot so ever). Undenaiably, Both of you got the rights to stay -but 'not' to avail you under-superiority / seniority. So much pity for her...She belongs to the jungle to live in isolation, in which, she can have all the roots, grass and leaves by her gross will hahahaha
*well, have no grudge on it any more. She's not worthy of getting your attention nor your guilts...She can live and die in that house! hahahaha
*Pay her some visits...and tell her that the house is hounted by a ghost named 'her' hahahaha...then you scream at her face...RUNNNN BITCH! hahahaha
Christ: A price which is not worth it! Wrong person? I would say that at first. But, having her in my life teaches me more towards being patience.
U're TRUE! It's the gov property. bUt then again, My allowance yg kena putung! And she thinks as a super senior she could do anything she wants...
*well, have no grudge on it any more. She's not worthy of getting your attention nor your guilts...She can live and die in that house! hahahaha
Quoted by you *well, have no grudge on it any more. She's not worthy of getting your attention nor your guilts...She can live and die in that house! hahahaha*
-I love this verse! Can i make a song from it? Lol..
-She is just ungrateful for having a housemate like me:) But, now that has ended.. And i live in peace now.. Thankx christ!
GETz: hahaha It is sad but true that we'll only be taught through harsh-Semi-bearable experiences..Wat to do? life's like that *o my, i must be a wise person to know that (proudy) hahaha
Yet, I always believe that patience applies only to certain matters. In most cases,'Honesty is the best policy', Ever! Ngeeee :D *Example: Getz i should be honest with you. I have silent this over years...Actually, i'm a Boy! wahahahaha see?...Just be honest :P
*Being patience will only do u good, for greater explosion though hahaha Later on you'll feel that your 'timing bomb' in your heart it's ticking faster hahaha * TTititititititttttttttt t t tTTTT....Kabushhhh! naaa pecah urat hahaha
*In dis case, u've learnt how to be numb by virtues jejejeje Well DOne!
'I always know by the numb look!' hihihi copycat from There's been a death in the opposite house - *I think its 'her' Did you smell it? hahaha
** U might not like this part -Literary, she just underestimated you as a 'retard'! (Sorry, for the choice of word - couldn't think of any better word):(
As u would realised, she treated you like a 'green beans'...Emmmmmm Delicious and crunchy! Yum Yum *She must be licking her fingers and toes right now jejejeje
And who's paying it all? You! Gosh!...I really hope that you farted her face, *harap2 ada biji timun melakat hahaha
If not, myb i met u yg tinggal jari2 saja...owwww poor Getz *sambil belek2 jari ko
***The last part - Yeah, she can live dan die in that house! hahaha
Make 'her' screams your name later! DOn't forget to record it and dubbin it in your song hihihi *ooooo spooky hahahaha...It will be my theme song for quite sometimes wahahaha
****Finally...a retch is a retch. Never being grateful...So, if u please, leave 'her'all alone... while eating her 'heart' out though hahahaha lagipun tada suda makanan kan? hahaha
It ain't Over Getz...Its just started...............*I mean new house and new life ahahahaha *ko bepikir suda tu kan :P
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